July 12, 2007

Our Earth

Isnt that a fashionable title for people like us? But it is very important for environmentalists all over the world. It made many people give up lucrative salaries to join hands for a cause. It made many scientists face the wrath of politicians. It made many people more aware of the importance of nature in human life.
Why have I posted this? I saw a video taped lecture of Al-gore, a documentary made to make more people aware of the lurking danger. Though I knew about global warming to the extent that rest of you know, the film is a real eye opener. It told me that in my own way I can conserve the resources on this planet. I've enjoyed the fruits of our ancestors on this planet. I would like to pass them on to the future generation. Are we creating or destroying the valuable resources? stop for a moment and think.
I want my children to breathe the freshest air possible, to drink the cleanest and clearest water, to play in the lap of nature, .... So what can I do about ensuring that the environment is safe and pure for them?

I've made a list of things that we all can do in our daily life to contribute to this noble cause. They are not difficult to do. Here goes the list:

1. Shutdown or keep your systems in a power saving mode when you go for lunch or meeting or when you are away from your workstation for more than a few minutes.

2. Use power saving CFLs instead of bulbs at home. Switch off electical appliances when not needed.

3. Walk or cycle for travelling small distance like your neighborhood stores instead of using petrol or diesel vehicles.

4. Plant trees wherever and whenever you can.

5. Do not take unnecessary printouts and waste paper. If you have the power/authority, use technology for processing rather than paper.

6. Try and use alternate resources of power like solar energy. There is no dearth of household appliances which use solar power.

7. Get leaky taps repaired. Do not waste water.

8. Keep your vehicles in condition and comply with the pollution norms.

9. Try and use public transport or car pooling whenever possible and do your bit to reduce congestion on roads.

10. Refuse to use plastic covers.

Ten simple things that we all can adopt and make conservation a way of life.
I have started doing my bit. Have you?

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