August 5, 2007


I have been dumbstruck with the way relationships are defined (or being undefined) these days. Friendship, love, companionship, etc nothing seems to be for life. The 'fast food' generation is into 'fast relationships' as well. Everything is happening at a crazy pace.

There was a time when people used to marry young. Now people start earning young. Have independence earlier. Choose partners earlier and separate earlier. And separate they will on the flimsiest cause (oh yeah! I find them flimsy). No one has any patience to give the partner a patient listening. Even friends move apart. All the relationships that used to be for life are now no longer so. Changing times ??? Changing partners has become as easy as changing vehicles/ jobs. Change – change everywhere.

No wonder it is leading to so much stress among all.

Recollect the yellow smiley stress balls. You squeeze it when you are stressed. It gains back its shape, you stress is released. That ball is like your home base where you have solid relationships to fall back on which give you emotional support by squeezing out the stress in you. If that relationship is not rock solid, it’ll break (so will the ball). These days lot many stress balls are breaking. People talk about increasing stress in professionals ..blah..blah.. I say the stress was always there. Just that it no longer has an outlet.

Yoga, gym, vacation etc are all temporary measures to decrease it. It is like taking a brufen for pain without understanding the cause. For those who have a stable circle of well-wishers there is no stress coz for them there always will be a person who will hear their troubles out. Such people are getting rarer.

On this eve of friendship day, I would suggest just one thing. Tie the bonds of friendship tighter. Do not let things like career, attitude, ego, status, money etc come in between. You’ll realize that they are unimportant as compared to the relationship you share with the person. Happy Friendship day!


  1. I don't agree with you... I think we are better off when we are able to break a relationship, rather than keep it festering when both the people in the relationship know that its not working... I think that leads to lesser anger in the long run and leaves more scope for people to find the one they are meant to be with.

  2. I agree that we are better off breaking a relationship which is just not working. But what I am saying that the 'reasons' for not working are getting frivolous. Reasons for divorce given lately: 'our life goals dont match', 'our career paths are taking us different ways', 'my partner dint change his/her habits as expected', 'i like someone else better', etc.. Earlier there were adjustments or efforts made for a change in such cases. Now no one has the patience to even talk and solve things with partner. In most cases of separation the problem could have been solved with open communication on both sides. I dont agree that one should break a long term relationship without giving it another chance and time and energy to grow. Should keep in mind that you started the relationship becoz you found something positive in the other person.

  3. I agree if there are frivolous reasons for breaking up a relationship, then it's wrong. But I cannot agree that relationships are being broken up for frivolous reasons, just because more relationships are breaking-up nowadays.

    Getting out of a relationship, albeit its easier to do so because of the social stigma attached to breaking up is much less now, is still as traumatic. I cannot agree that one would undergo through such trauma because of what you say are flimsy reasons.

    Moreover, I am happy that our society has finally accepted that being separated and breaking-up relationship is an acceptable thing (or more accurately, its more acceptable now than before.) This is good because, then a relationship doesn't become a Damocles sword over you.

    Because if it does, you would always be scared of getting into a relationship.

  4. But if there is no stability in a relationship, then it just becomes free and absolutely no commitment would exist. People would get into the relationship with the conviction that they can get out even for the smallest of flimsy reasons and that is not a very healthy trend in my opinion.

  5. People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes it’s important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is!!

    From Kavitha's Blog

  6. I think that friendship is as important as anything in the world. It is easiest nowadays to break up because people do not care. We're changing but is it good? I agree with original author of this blog. What troubles us the most is our ego that has not developed well enough to understand how friends are important. How can you find a good job without a friend? She/he didn't help you? Don't blame them, and don't blame yourself. You'll find your job but don't quit on your friends. People are people and always will be people. Don't let technology, job, and other things break your girlfriend, fiancé, friend, best friend from you. Do the best and no exceptions! Let's be humane to each other and treat well your friends. I have friends and enjoy time with them. Yeah, sometimes they are annoying me but I forgive them and move on. I don't carry any envy, hate, etc. behind my back. This burden is too heavy and will cost you your life and health. Please, do not fire back at me because I said something wrong. All of us make mistakes because we're humans. Good luck and enjoy your time!
