February 28, 2009

Friendship !

It has been quite some time since I posted something. I have been catching up with old friends after a long time. Thanks to technology I am able to catch up both online and offline. 

Most common question: 'Have you been in touch with others?'

Most dreaded question: 'How's your work?'

We have changed as individuals but we share common memories. It was an amazing experience to relive those moments. We used to write letters to each other. It was good fun going through some of those. With the advent of email there isn’t any more emotional attachment to the communication. Either you archive them or you delete emails. In any case the content is mostly so short that no one sees any value add in saving a mail except for the address.

Technology is helpful in bridging gaps, but it also creates new ones. I have been able to locate my school friends through various networking sites. But mass communication has made keeping in touch very impersonal. Many of the mails that I get are forwards. Even if someone has to write a personal note it is a short email. 

The re-unions make you realize how much time has passed and you regret not having spent more time with your friends when you could.

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