January 1, 2009

Job Matching

People look at compatibility while entering into matrimonial bond. But do not give it a thought while choosing one's jobs. After umpteen conversations with people who job-hop, I realized that just like the never ending search for 'perfect partner', the search for a 'perfect job' is also a never ending one. Only after they accept an offer do they realize that there is a mismatch between one's aspirations and the environment offered at work (sounds same for marriage?). It makes me question whether there is anything called as 'perfect job'.

First of all, what do people look for in a job? I am listing a few qualities in random order:
- Salary (of course, money is honey)
- Job profile (designation and role is the first thing people look for )
- Brand name of the organization (looks good on one's resume)
- Job Satisfaction (it is like nirvana. Everyone aspires for this but mostly no one ever achieves it)
- Growth (whether the career path in the organization leads one to the final goal and how fast)
- Location (foreign assignments or native place)
- Work-life balance (increasingly becoming important)
- Fun (haven't heard too many people say this, but still)
- Work environment (which includes tasty lunch, gym, etc)
- Good boss/ team (people quit jobs because of bad boss/ team, but rarely does one get to know before joining)
- Employee friendly policies (wide range of things are covered in this including sabbaticals)

Most of the things listed are material (baring one or two). There is no emotional aspect mentioned. People do not list down the 'qualities' aspired for in an organization and they rarely list down their own qualities which they think would fit in the organization. Most of us tend to think that this is the job of HR people. Most job matching happens keeping your profile and the job requirement in mind. Career profiling for high schoolers is catching up these days. But not before taking up a job. Anyone ever thought of attitude matching between potential employee and organization for every job that one applies for?

Matching qualities are important for compatibility. Hardly anyone looks at the history, conduct and image of the organization in the eyes of various stakeholders (The same details become important while choosing a life partner !). Would any person with self integrity join an organization which is known to play dangerously with rules? If you are a plain hardworking person but the organization rewards 'smart work' then you wont fit into the long term plans of the company. If the organization is filled with coterie of people and you are a loner, then be assured you won't be moving up the ladder in a hurry until you associate yourself with one of the camps. If power in the organization is concentrated in a select few, then there would be glass ceiling somewhere in the hierarchy. If you are a flamboyant/ outgoing person stuck in a desk job I am sure you will be looking out soon.

I suggest get to know the organization well before you think of joining (kind of dating..). Not only the future but also the past since it gives you an idea whether the conduct of the organization is in line with your own personality. Those who are more risk taking and have an entrepreneurial streak in them will find their own calling sometime in life. Freedom/ independence in work has its boundaries and those who aspire to move beyond can never do so in any organization unless it is their own.

But then why bother with all this if you don't intend to retire in the organization that you are joining? If it is a short 'affair' then enjoy your stint and have fun! If its marriage for life, then be very careful as the relationship might be disappointing if not heartbreaking.

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