We had a gruelling day at our daughter’s school to get her uniforms and books issued. It was a weekday. Yet we drove all the way to discover that every parent landed up on the same day. We spent hours waiting in the queue to pay the fees and buy the necessary things. Just when we thought that it was time to crash at home, I had to go back to office.
When returned in the evening, I discovered my daughter joyfully trying on the new uniform and checking her new books. Her smile made my exhaustion disappear. It made me recollect my schools days.
It was joy to start a new year at school after the summer vacation. New books needed to be covered with brown paper, labels with name neatly written. It was an annual event at home with parents. Labels selection at the shop itself was as long as selecting a gift.
It was a shining new me at the school. The handwriting was neat for the few days. New books, you see! All the things that you collected during your vacation had to be included into your school bag for the first day at school. There used to be many vacation stories to tell friends.
Old benches, but new benchmates. Old school, but new teachers.
I recollected those days with a sigh. I sure am happy that some things dint change for my daughter.